Friday, September 11, 2009

I am SO glad I was able to make the jewelry for Jenny's wedding! It was actually a nightmare...but in the end, I pulled it out! Funny because my friend and I were talking about we as artists (some of us that is...) really get a rush from waiting until or not having the right materials until the very last minute. Then we stay up late or run around like a mad person for a couple of days trying to turn out this masterpiece just in the nick of time...Any of this sound familiar? Maybe I'm the only one (apart from said friend's WONDERFUL husband). But being able to hand over something beautiful, knowing you had to pull out all the stops and top yourself in a short amount of time is somehow very rewarding! These are the necklaces I made. Jenny wanted unique, feminine, something pretty that would add to her bridesmaids dresses not over power them. She loved them and I loved that she loved them!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - they are beautiful!


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